Saturday, June 18, 2005

Qazvin is founded by Qaz, daughter of Afasiyab Khaqan

Qazvin is founded by Qaz, daughter of Afasiyab Khaqan

شهر قزوين توسط قاز٬ دختر خاقان ترك٬ افراسياب بنياد گذارده شده استּ

Qarakhanid Literature and the Beginnings of Turco-Islamic Culture

Robert Dankoff

زبانشناس باستان شناس روبرت دانكوف در مقاله خويش بنام "ادبيات قاراخانيان و آغاز فرهنگ ترك-اسلامى" (٣) مىگويد :"افراسياب "خاقان" بود٫ بنيادگزار خاندان سلطنت "خان"ها٫ "تگين" ها و "تريم" ها٫ و پدر قاز٫ بارمان٫ و بارس قان كه هر كدام به نام خويش شهرى پى افكندند....شهرى كه به اسم "قاز" نامگذارى شد شهر قزوين در ايران٫ كه اصل آن "قاز اوينو" (به تركى بازيگاه قاز) مىباشد٫ است".

Afrasiyab was the Khaqan; the founder of the royal dynasty of Khans, Tegins, and Terims; and the father of Qaz, Barman, and Barsghan, who all founded cities named after them.

The city named after Qaz is Qazvin in Iran, originally Qaz Oyni meaning "Qaz's playground"!

He himself founded Kashgar (=Ordu Kand), while his residence was at Barchuq. Now none of this is known to the Iranian tradition. In the Shah-Nameh, for example, Afrasiyab has a son named Shida and daughters named Manizha and Farangiz; while his residence is at Qunduz (=Gang), later at Baikand.


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